Dear Doctor,

Hello, my name is Dr. Ike Rahimi. After tremendous “trial and error” in my own practice, I’ve discovered what really works for marketing and managing ANY dental practice. And now I’d like to share my discoveries with you.

As you know, you face more and more challenges in your practice these days. Marketing is just one of them. In addition to acquiring qualified patients, you also need to attract and keep good employees… collect from insurance companies… and maintain a high level of patient satisfaction.

It’s not easy. After all…

They don’t teach ANY of this in dental school!

But after a lot of hard work and mistakes, I found out what really works best in all aspects of running a smooth, successful dental office.

Consider this: Twenty years ago, I bought an existing office in a small town where nobody knew me.  We were getting 2-5 new patients a month.  I tried everything from print mailers to movie ads in local theaters.  After years of trial and error, spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, my Methods were being perfected.  I soon began attracting 20-30 new patients every month. Lots of new patients equal higher production!

Before long, my practice achieved full capacity. We even outgrew our office! I’m now in a 4,000 sq. ft. modern office that I’m very proud of.

A key component was knowing how to recruit and build a great office team – with highly-skilled, passionate, and caring staff members who are a joy to work with every day.

Employee headaches is at a all time low. And I learned how to handle every possible issue with ease.  

Now I’m teaching my step-by-step system to my fellow dentists who want to be GREAT – not just ‘good.’

When you and I work together, you’ll no longer feel like you’re on your own. Best of all, you won’t waste time and money on ineffective marketing efforts, high staff turnover, or patient attrition.

I’ll help you bypass that painful learning curve.

No boring conferences!

Rather than making you attend one of those grueling 8-hour conferences in a distant location with hundreds or thousands of people in the room, I use a web-based one-on-one collaborative coaching format that’s customized to meet your most pressing needs.

This means you won’t have to spend money on travel and lodging, and you won’t need to take time out of your schedule or be away from your family.

You’ll get the problem-specific coaching you need – just like top athletes and star performers do.

Best of all, your training will be customized to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

My coaching sessions are organized within a 90 minute block of time: first 30 minutes is focused on your unique challenges and the second 60 minutes is focused on solid a game plan.

Soon you’ll enjoy a more profitable and more pleasant practice

  • You’ll have a higher patient retention rate.
  • Your hourly production will be higher because of proper case selection and treatment planning.
  • You’ll become a great leader.
  • Your rapport with patients will also improve, making people much more likely to accept large treatment plans. And you’ll feel comfortable recommending them.

I will also advise you on dental equipment – showing you what will benefit your office and what will end up collecting dust.

Nothing is left out. I’ll even give you my advice on the most profitable procedures – and how to generate and KEEP more revenue than ever before

When was the last time you performed a website and social media ranking of your office?  Where do you stand amongst your competition?  Let’s find out tegother

With my help, you can expect to double or triple your bottom line – not to mention your personal satisfaction, self-fulfillment, and sanity!

I’ve personally used all these methods in my own practice. I even wrote several books about various subject matters in dentistry. These books are for direct use by practicing clinicians who want to increase their revenues.

No doubt you’ve heard the old saying, “Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he eats for a lifetime.”

My coaching methods enable you to master the successful methods I’ve discovered. Once you do, you won’t need me anymore.

Limited coaching spots available

Since I can coach only a handful of doctors each month, my schedule is almost full. But currently I have a few openings.  Hit the Contact Button and let’s set up a 15 minute free consultation time to see if I can help you.

Make it a Great Day!!!

Dr. Ike H. Rahimi